What does the ABA need to come clean with law students? A letter from President Obama? A letter from the Pope?
Barbara Boxer
wrote a letter to the ABA with specific questions in the last year, and she does it again yesterday. Apparently, she didn't write the letter just to appease constituents--
she wants answers:
Defending Crooked Law Schools Pursuing Profit |
"In my two previous letters to your predecessor, I indicated my strong belief that the ABA should ensure that post-graduation employment data provided to prospective law students is truthful and transparent," Boxer wrote. "His responses appeared to indicate a similar interest, but unfortunately it is difficult to square those previous statements with the section's recent decision."
What decision? She's talking about the ABA's decision not collect data this year about the percentage of new graduates in jobs that require a J.D. and the percentage in part-time jobs.
She sees through your bullshit, suckers! Answer her, and Senator Grassley's dag gone questions. I posted Grassley's
questions--and it seems that he and Sen. Boxer and tag teaming these bitches, but I will recap here:
1. Does the American Bar Association compile data on the number of schools which offer scholarships to more students than can statistically retain those scholarships?
2. If so, how many schools, and how many total scholarships are affected?
3. Does the American Bar Association take these “bait and switch” allegations into account in the accreditation process?
4. Does the American Bar Association maintain data on the dollar amount of merit based scholarships offered each year?
5. If not, does the American Bar Association plan to begin maintaining this information?
6. Does the American Bar Association maintain data on the dollar amount of merit based scholarships that are revoked after the offeree‟s first year of law school?
7. If not, does the American Bar Association plan to begin maintaining this information?
8. Does the American Bar Association publish data on the amount of first-year merit based scholarships in comparison to the amount of non-first-year merit based scholarships?
9. Does the American Bar Association plan to begin maintaining this information?
10. Has the American Bar Association raised concerns with law schools about the practice of awarding more first-year merit based scholarships than they plan to renew?
11. If so, how has the American Bar Association raised this concern?
12. Does the American Bar Association have any education programs that aid students in assessing whether or not they are borrowing more than they can reasonably expect to repay?
13. Does the American Bar Association have a program to ensure borrowers do not-default on their federally-backed student loans?
14. How many law schools has the American Bar Association provisionally accredited during the last 20 years?
15. Does the American Bar Association maintain this information in a publicly accessible database?
16. How many law schools has the American Bar Association fully accredited during the last 20 years?
17. Has the American Bar Association ever revoked provisional or full accreditation during the last 20 years?
18. If so, how many law schools lost their provisional or full accreditation?
19. From 1990 to the present, has the American Bar Association ever placed a law school on probation?
20. If so, which law schools were placed on probation? 23. Did any of these law schools regain full accreditation? 24. If so, within what time period?
21. When examining candidates for membership on the accreditation committee, what efforts does the American Bar Association make to ensure that membership is balanced between legal practitioners and academics?
22. Does the American Bar Association track the professional background of its committee membership?
23. If so, how does the professional background of committee membership break down in percentage format on committees related to the accreditation of law schools?
24. If not, why doesn‟t the American Bar Association track the professional background of committee membership?
25. Does the American Bar Association track the professional background of the officers that approve or revoke provisional or full law school accreditation?
26. If so, how does the professional background of officers that approve or revoke provisional or full law school accreditation break down in percentage format?
27. If not, why doesn‟t the American Bar Association track the professional background of officers that approve or revoke provisional or full law school accreditation.
No wonder they are avoiding the questions. Obviously, they have to plead the 5th or incriminate themselves.
Enough fucking around. Let's call for an investigation of the ABA for their complicity in RICO, their anti-trust violations, consumer fraud, etc. Heads need to roll before they come clean with their scam to fool our youth into pursuing the empty dream of a
fruitful adequate career as an attorney.
Email Senator Boxer to express your appreciation for her inquiry and to encourage her to keep on keeping on until she gets the answers that we all need to hear.