Trump Is The Best President Of My Life Unless You’re American
[image: Trump Is The Best President Of My Life Unless You’re American]
Every day I become more grateful for the election of Donald Trump. All
praise. Mill...
1 day ago
"Student loans are fine if you WANT to be an associate at a [large] law firm"
ReplyDeleteNow lawyers are asking home owners to pay them for cleaning their toilets. Lawyers are educating themselves for what? Is it that we are matriculating too many lawyers or that too many lawyers are leaving law school without realizing that the system is a game. Should they have gone to law school in the first place?
ReplyDeleteWill prospective law students see this story and wise up to the fact that being a lawyer today is a far cry from what it was 20 years ago. I know you thought you did everything right but today it is more than a cutthroat game, it can be career suicide if you are not smart, aggressive and wily as hell.
Law students need to get with the program. Inform yourselves about what you are getting into. If you can get a full ride or a benevolent god father and manage to come out at the top of the class at a top tier school you might have a chance but good God don't take out loans, head to a 3rd tier law school then join those other unlucky bastards on the assembly line.