I received an email this morning from a friend who has a friend who is drowning in student loans and has no place to turn to. Apparently, she feels that she needs representation and cannot deal with the harrassment anymore. I'm wondering if anyone who reads my blog knows of an attorney who takes on these sort of cases pro bono or for an affordable rate, or some sort of non-profit that will assist lawyers who are being ruined by student loan debt?
We all know or heard of how much harassment the student loan machine can delve out. There's actually a lawsuit that you can join if they are calling your cellular phone to collect on late payments:
Sallie Mae Autodialer Calls Complaints and Class Action Lawsuit
On February 2, 2010, a Seattle resident filed a nationwide class action lawsuit against the student-loan giant SLM Corporation, popularly known as Sallie Mae, over alleged unauthorized autodialer calls to the cell phones of borrowers who took out student loans with the national lender. The class action complaint, entitled Arthur v. SLM Corporation, seeks both injunctive relief and money damages.
Congress adopted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA") to stop abusive telephone practices by lenders and marketers, and in particular placed strict limits on the use of autodialers to call cell phones. The complaint charges that Sallie Mae has deployed automatic telephone dialing systems to make pre-recorded, non-emergency calls to customers who did not expressly consent to be called on their cell phones within the meaning of the TCPA.
"Nobody should be subjected to repeated, intrusive autodialer calls at all hours from their lender, especially on their cell phones," commented Jonathan D. Selbin of Lieff Cabraser. "We hope the lawsuit brings some relief to borrowers who have enough to worry about these days without receiving harassing calls like these."
So, in addition to this law firm, does anyone know of attorneys in New York City who are willing to represent a lawyer down on her luck?
Thank you kindly. Remember, if we don't look out for one another, no one will look out for us.
Is Trump Running A Coup?
[image: Is Trump Running A Coup?]
Commenter GrimJim makes the case, using my own writing:
Ian, I am beginning to think that someone working for Trump and ...
2 days ago
If the person is complaining about FDCPA violations, she should look for a law firm in her jurisdiction that handles consumer law/fair credit matters. If the problem is that the loan is too big -- well, as we all know, she is almost certainly s.o.l. in terms of finding any kind of forgiveness or interest freeze.
ReplyDeleteThere's very little you can do about this, as these are very powerful lobbying groups and they've tightened everything up. If it was anything other than student loan debt you'd have something probably, but not to a first party lender like for student loans (loans which never get sold off because the federal government, contrary to popular belief, backs them all).
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can use this attorney? He apparently has nothing better to do with his time.
3098 posts (22.76% of total forum posts)
3947 posts, and several hundred more under various monikers/user names. By the time you check this out, he will have posted another 130 comments.
He is even based out of NYC - with 43,921,801,661.3 other attorneys!
Step one is to get the harassment to stop. Send a certified, delivery confirmed letter to Sallie Mae stating that all contact must be restricted to in-writing.
ReplyDeleteAlso notify them over the phone next time they call that any further attempt to contact you over the phone will be considered harassment. Inform them that any discussion you have henceforth will be voice recorded and documented.
They'll stop calling, but it won't get rid of the debt.