Ten law school lemmings in the top 5 percent of their 1L class can transfer to TTTT school Drexel Law totally free for their second and third years. Right, like anyone in the top 5 percent of their 1L class would want to transfer to Drexel rather than to a tier 1 or even tier 2 institution. The guy in the video sounds more like a used car salesman than the assistant vice president of advancement at a law school. Drexel isn't even worth attending for free because you'll still be wasting your time when you could make more dropping out after your first year at a TTTT and getting a job that pays more than document review or shitlaw, the only two jobs you'll get (if you're lucky) after graduating from Drexel Law.
Read more about Drexel and their stats at Nando's place, Third Tier Reality.
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1 day ago
Actually, that is not a bad deal. As long as Drexel is accredited. Better low to no debt than a worthless tier 1 or tier 2 degree with big debt.
ReplyDeleteYes, attending a TTTT for free is better than attending a TTTT for $30k/year, but it's even better not to go to a TTTT at all and make money instead. There is no point in attending a school like Drexel or any of the lower ranked schools unless you're okay with staying unemployed or in doc review for the rest of your life and being deemed overqualified for every non-legal job you apply to after graduation.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a horrendous deal! Imagine getting top 5% at a passable school as say, Rutgers Camden, which will provide biglaw options. You will then be off of law review, have your class ranked skewed and go through the hideous Drexel OCI. Are you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteThis is like wasting all of your hard work of 1L only to drop in the rankings! With those grades you have a shot at going up to a better school, not down to a gutter outhouse like Drexel.
These people are demonic and should be shut down. Imagine how the top of their 1L class feels right now...let along the anchormen. More misery abounds for students at this most deviously fetid of law schools.
Since when was Rutgers Camden even a passable school?
ReplyDeleteGood God, could they get more desperate?? This is an OK deal for people paying sticker at a place like St. Thomas (the one transfer student I knew at Drexel previously attended there) but for most students it would a horrible idea.
ReplyDeleteBy adding more transfer students on scholarship it seems an equal number of current students would eventually be pushed below the curve and lose their scholarships. Plus the competition for jobs will get even more crowded at the top.
Why not just like the current top 5 students attend for free for the final 2 years? I bet at least one of those students isn't currently on full scholarship.
PS: love that t-shirt and blazer look in the video *rolls eyes*
ReplyDeleteDrexel isn't even ranked yet...and when they are, they'll be T2. TTT and TTTT schools don't compare. Also, the undergrad institution is a nationally recognized school, unlike Widener, for instance.
ReplyDeleteI love all these Drexel Law bashers. You don't even look at the class statistics. The mean LSAT is 160 for crying out loud...hardly TTTT. The fact is that students at other schools are afraid of having to compete with Drexel Law grads, otherwise, they wouldn't be hated on so much and called TTT. LOL at the guy from Rutgers-Camden calling Drexel a festering toilet.
ReplyDeleteThat's like saying, "since when is UPenn a passable school? Rutgers Camden is the top school in NJ dipshit! You probably applied and got rejected from UPenn and RCamden! Loser.
ReplyDeleteJust from looking at the numbers such as median LSAT and GPA, as well as the fact that Drexel seems to be on the path to being fully accredited (as opposed to provisionally accredited) in the near future, I'm guessing Drexel will be a Tier 2 school in the next few years.
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll just have to wait and see!