Everyday is a cloudy day in the life of a disenchanted lawyer.
Email tips to Angel at angelthelawyer(at)gmail(dot)com or Hardknocks at hardknockslaw(at)gmail(dot)com
I nearly fainted when I watched this... between concentrating and trying to understand their accents. Thanks to a commentator for this lead. Holy Shit. 80K law grads in India a year????? Dispatching Indian Attorneys to make appearances in American Courts?? I need out of this business. I'm heading of to Hustler's after work to see if I can pole dance or serve cocktails.
Comments from Youtube watchers are always insightful:
I believe American companies are making a mistake by outsourcing. They may think cheaper. But they don't think about their brand's value and name.
It may give you profit for a short period of time. But in the long run you lose your international brand value and name. Don't forget it. Any good businesspeople won't make that mistake.
Example: PriceWaterhouseCooper.
I have a relative who is a lawyer and is unable to find a job. The relative lives in DC by the way.
All that these companies think about are labor costs. They are not concerned about any other thing in the US. Sad!
How can Indian Lawyers make appearances in the United States? Do Judges admit them pro hac vicie? What kind of visa do they come on? What is the point of becoming an american barred lawyer if you can just go to India and practice law here. I have been taken for a fool.
This is crazy!? What justification do lawfirms have to have Indian people represent corps in court. As if there is no one else in the country that can do that job???? Really, law firms should be ashamed.
I would deck an Indian if I saw him in court from India. Go back to your own Court System.
Disgusting. I want to know how they can do this without being licensed. What is wrong with this country? We're making other countries rich at our expense. We're going to be a third world country before long and the former third world countries are going to be Super Powers. I just don't understand what is wrong with people!
Is Trump Running A Coup?
[image: Is Trump Running A Coup?]
Commenter GrimJim makes the case, using my own writing:
Ian, I am beginning to think that someone working for Trump and ...
Rekomendasi trik Berjudi Bola Bakal Member Baru
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ialah tem...
Thank You and Take Care
*Starting Position:* When I started this blog, we had the following sources
for info regarding the law school scam: Temporary Attorney, Big Debt Small
The Baghdad Bob of the Law School Scam
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problems. ...
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2015 Chicago-Area Law School Placement Data
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bidang k...
Where the fuck have you been?!
Having my hopes and dreams train-fucked to death by MS-13 gangmembers would
be the easy answer for whoever the fuck might still be reading this?
Meanwhile, ...
Halfway home
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-- Max Weber, *Politics as Vocation* --
For understandable reasons, the law school ref...
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that ...
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several months back. It's an...
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*"If everyone went to college we would have the world's most highly
educated Walmart and McDonalds employees."*
-- Origin unknown.
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Yes, I am still here....
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occured in my life! I am still working and trying to hustle may way through
the corpo...
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colours, ...
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really unhappy. A...
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the time...
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An Apology
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friends among the scamblog community, I thought I should at least pop in
and offer...
Ch Ch Ch Changes…
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about the whys and whatnot over there, but suffice it to say, Southern
Female Lawy...
Hiatus Explained
My loyal fans, it’s been almost a year since I last posted to
joblesslawyer- the reason why I have been missing in action is because
shortly after my last ...
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day from Sallie Mae and Access Group regarding the 2 loans my husband and I
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Almost Forgot
Total Black: $237.43 Total Red: $227,317.62 Today was a long but productive
day. I had put in eleven hours at the contract attorney position and then
How can Indian Lawyers make appearances in the United States? Do Judges admit them pro hac vicie? What kind of visa do they come on? What is the point of becoming an american barred lawyer if you can just go to India and practice law here. I have been taken for a fool.
ReplyDeleteThis is crazy!? What justification do lawfirms have to have Indian people represent corps in court. As if there is no one else in the country that can do that job???? Really, law firms should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteI would deck an Indian if I saw him in court from India. Go back to your own Court System.
Isn't Angel an Indian?
fucking indians. first IT now law. Oh i guess asians are smarter huh?
ReplyDeletetired of the same old bullshit tripe.
Not smarter.. CHEAPER.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting. I want to know how they can do this without being licensed. What is wrong with this country? We're making other countries rich at our expense. We're going to be a third world country before long and the former third world countries are going to be Super Powers. I just don't understand what is wrong with people!