So, I watched one of the more recent episodes of HWNJ and Albie is up to his tricks again. As you know from my last entry on Albie Manzo, he flunked out of the part-time program at SeTTTTon Hall School of Law. I thought that chapter was done in his life, and sure enough, it isn't. I think his mom encouraged him to fight the fight and become a "successful attorney" to spite them. So, what does Albie do? He hires an attorney and consults about his rights. Apparently, Albie was put on academic probation after first semester. He met with one of the Deans. Albie told the Dean about his learning disability. The Dean said that he thought SeTTTTon Hell could accommodate that type of thing. I actually remember a few people in law school who had extra time on the exams because of learning disabilities. So, not an unreasonable accommodation, I'm sure. The Dean gave Albie a number and no one ever picked up the phone at that number. So, the rest is Reality TV history. He flunks out and I thought he would call it a day.
Turns out, Albie hired the attorney to fight SeTTTTon Hell with one goal in mind, a letter. Apparently, and I didn't know this, if you flunk out of law school, you are prohibited from attending another law school for two years. Like you'd want to, right? Consider yourself lucky and move on. But, Little Albie is different. He wants a letter from Seton Hall, saying he's fit to go to another law school. What? I guess that's beyond anything in my reality. He wants to go back? Does this happen often? And what makes him think another law school will be better? Forget that. I just can't conceive of someone wanting to go back to law school when he flunked out.
I hope he finds what he's looking for. His brother, Christopher, the kid who didn't go to college and is following in his father's footsteps at the Brownstone (a famous North Jersey wedding and banquet hall) will be far more wealthy than Albie, the lawyer, in the end. I'm willing to place a bet on it.
Every Administration Since Obama Has Been Bombing Yemen, Yet…
[image: Every Administration Since Obama Has Been Bombing Yemen, Yet…]
Something similar could be said about almost all Western policies except
those whic...
8 hours ago
I wish I had flunked out first year!
ReplyDeleteI don't have cable but this guy is an idiot. Luckily, he seems to have a family rich enough to "bail out" his law school debt. However, that is just more years wasted when he could've been making more money as a celebrity or working for his father's business.
ReplyDeleteI watched the wedding episode of this show.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen a minute of this show, but the kid sounds like an idiot. That chapter in your life has passed. Move on to better things. (Who knows? Maybe the kid is a glutton for punishment.)
ReplyDeleteAlso, what are the chances that such a fool could get into a better school? SeTTon Hall is a laughingstock.
I wonder how much he gets paid per episode. I would not be surprised if it is enough to pay for all three years of law school by completion of the second episode. Heck, maybe the school was paid for by the producers to add interest to the show.
ReplyDelete"He wants to go back? Does this happen often? And what makes him think another law school will be better?"
ReplyDeleteDropping out and going back MUTIPLE times? Yes, that happens QUITE abit. His dreams were crushed. I know how that feels personally. Underneath the push to be strong and GO somewhere is someone depressed by the situatioin. The plan was law school which is better than the "drop-out" mentality.
In the game of law school, quitters are winners. Don't you know that yet???? The "drop out mentality" is to have the intelligence to know when to switch gears.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people are calling Albie an idiot. The kid has a learning disability and didn't receive the proper exam accommodations guaranteed under the Americans with Disabilities Act. He's determined to do something with his life instead of other rich kids who fall back on their parents.