I totally almost fell for this comment on my last post! Nice try! Right? Wait, is this a joke?
Anonymous said...
I have been reading this blog for quite sometime, and frankly, I think it is full of lies. Here is my story:
I scored low on the LSAT(142,) and only had a 2.4 from the University of Kansas. Cooley was the only school to accept me, and thus offered me a spot in their AAMPLE program. If I pass, I am admitted into their school!! Although the AAMPLE program is costly, I believe it is well worth it. Cooley sees through the numbers, and realizes that the LSAT is racially biased. They know that LSAT and GPA are in no way good predictors of law school success.
I have learned a lot about Cooley through their website, which is the only source of information one should use when choosing a law school due to the fact that the law school knows itself better then anyone else.
If Cooley is so horrible, why would the ABA accredit them? Furthermore, if it is so bad, why are they ranked 2nd in another objective but more obscure set of rankings?
My goal is to be a lawyer, and Cooley will give me the skills I need to be successful. At the end of the day, law school is law school, and a degree is a degree. No one cares where you went. As long as you pass the bar, you will be in demand. This blog is full of lies. I am going to be a lawyer; naisayers be damned! Cooley has a superb reputation in the state of Michigan, and once I graduate, it should be quite easy to find a job
MARCH 31, 2011 5:44 PM
Also, in the event this nut is real--she could stand to benefit from accurate statistics. Senator Boxer has caught a whiff of the shit that the law schools put out as their statistics. She is upset. If you give a shit about the future lemmings of our industry, send her an email or give her a call and let her know that we're behind her in her efforts to make ABA president Zack require that law schools provide accurate post-graduate employment and starting salary statistics.
Her recent comment takes the cake!
Anonymous said...
I am the one responsible for the post that this jerk used as "April Fools." It is 100 percent true. I am going to Cooley, and I will be successful. Cooley is the largest law school in the country for a reason! Because it is one of the best.
The LSAT is a racially biased test, and just because someone struggled in undergrad does not mean they will struggle in law school. Law school is much different than undergrad, and many legal minded people have a lot of trouble with the variety of subjects taught in undergrad(myself included).
You guys are jealous of me, because I have the drive, and talent to be accepted to one of the best law schools in the US. I wrote a really great personal statement, which obviously showed them the potential I have for the legal field. Cooley grads hire Cooley grads, and since it is the largest school in the country, there are thousands of big firm partners around the country and the world from Cooley.
APRIL 1, 2011 2:57 PM
You've got me in stitches! Good joke! Hope you all had a happy April Fool's Day!
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[image: If You Go For The King #2: Romania]
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